We went shopping for groceries today. Everyone always asks me if you are always "this good". The truth is, you really are! You are such a good baby! I hear stories of other mommies and about how they are having a hard time adjusting to having a baby, and I feel very blessed! You really only fuss when you need something, or when you have an occasional "fussy time". I won't say it's not hard; you definitely have your moments, but all in all, you really are such a good baby and are making this transition for Mommy and Daddy a relatively easy one! All that to say, I know you were getting hungry at the end of our grocery shopping, but you never fussed once! You just watched my face while we rolled through the aisles, sucking away on your binky! You are such a morning baby! It's when you're the happiest and give up the best smiles.
You are growing so fast! We will have to move you out of your bassinet and into your crib soon! Even though your crib is very close to me, I am having a hard time with it and dragging my feet. I love being able to just roll over and look at you in the bassinet next to me. I love to watch you sleep, to watch your tiny chest move up and down, to stroke your soft cheeks or to put my finger in your little hand so you can squeeze it so tight! I love you, sweet girl!
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