Friday, July 24, 2009

24 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

All of a sudden in the past few days you have started to try to put EVERYTHING into your mouth! You are really getting a handle on holding things. here are a few of your favorite toys right now. You really like the bright colors on the blocks. The green one is your favorite because it has a frog on it that vibrates when you pull his leg. You laugh and laugh whenever I play with this one with you!

We are getting ready to move! We will say goodbye to Nashville and say hello to Interlaken, NY! Mommy and Daddy are excited to sort of start over and get into a better financial situation. I need to have the house all packed up by the end of next week and there is so much to do yet! You like to be with me, but it is hard to get things done with you on my I put you in your carrier. You are close to me, and I get things done so we are both happy! =) I am so happy that we will be closer to family so that you will know them more than just a voice on the phone or a package in the mail. Family is so very important. I love you, sweet girl. Love, Mommy

Friday, July 17, 2009

17 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

I haven't noticed you sucking on your thumb much since you first discovered it, but today you were not only sucking on your thumb, but your finger too! I'm wondering if teeth are going to be in your very near future! I love you, sweet girl! Love, Mommy

16 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

It seems like you are discovering your voice more every day. You love it when we talk back to you. Here is a video of you telling stories to Daddy...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

13 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

The last couple days Mommy has been wearing you in your carrier! It's the first time I've put you in it facing out. You are getting so strong and can hold your head up very nicely now! You seem to like the carrier. I think you like to be near me and you like to see what everyone is up to. I love you, sweet girl!!


12 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

You are three months old today! I really can't believe how fast the last three months have flown - and you are growing like a weed! Just when I think you can't possibly get any chunkier, I look at pictures like this of your sweet, chunky little face! You are just perfect, sweet girl, PERFECT!!

Mommy and Daddy have decided to move! We are going to be moving up to New York and will be close to your cousins! I am happy that you will get to grow up close to family. I love you, sweet girl!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

10 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

Tonight was the first time that Mommy and Daddy left you with a babysitter so that we could go out on a date! We have been married for five years today! Believe it or not I left you without crying. I really didn't know if I would be able to. I have been with you constantly (except for a couple times I left you with Daddy so I could run to the store real quick), so it was a bit of a separation anxiety moment for me, and I think for you too. You were fine when I dropped you off. You stayed with Miss Dee and Mr Daniel so I knew that you were in good hands. When I left you were smiling, but then when we were finishing up dinner we got a call that you would not take your bottle! You cried for a good hour. It made me sad to think of you so distraught! We were going to come home early but then a little later we got a call that you still wouldn't take your bottle but you had settled down and seemed to be doing alright. So we bought our movie tickets and settled in for the movie, my cell phone on my lap so I could get a text if you needed me. As the movie was starting we got a text that you were finally taking your bottle. It then dawned on me that no one else, in your whole little 3 month life had ever fed you. Up to this point I was the only one that had ever given you a bottle, not even Daddy! So I think that you were a little confused when I wasn't on the other end of the bottle. When we got back from our date I practically ran up the stairs because I just couldn't wait to scoop you up and snuggle you! It had only been 5 hours but I missed you so much!!

You are discovering your hands more every day! Yesterday I put your rattle in your hands and you instantly brought it up to your mouth. This is the first time I have seen you put something to your mouth so purposefully.

You are LOVING your colorful rings right now! When I move them over your face you are content watching them forever! You've even fallen asleep a few times watching them. I just love watching you discover things and become more alert! I love you, sweet girl! Love, Mommy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

I love to watch you sleep! I know I've said it before, but you are so sweet and peaceful and my heart is just so full as I watch you. God has truly blessed me beyond what I could have even imagined by giving you to me for a time on this earth.

I finally captured your laugh on video today. It is very contagious! I've watched it again and again and each time I find myself giggling along with you. You are beautiful. I love you, sweet girl!


6 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

You are becoming more aware and alert with each day! The past few days whenever you get tired you get upset and start to cry LOUD!! I don't think you want to go to sleep because you don't want to miss out on anything. You seem to love being awake and interacting with us! After you fuss a bit I usually try to rock you or sing to you. This usually convinces you that it is okay to go to sleep! Sometimes it takes a little work, but you eventually drift off! I love you, sweet girl!

Love, Mommy

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

Your first 4th of July! And what did we do? We stayed home and grilled burgers and hotdogs! Woo-hoo! We thought about taking you to see fireworks, but then decided we (or I, rather) didn't want to take you out past your bedtime. I figured you wouldn't remember it anyway. =) We will take you next year, and hopefully you won't be scared of the loud bangs! I love you, sweet girl! Love, Mommy

Friday, July 3, 2009

3 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

The last couple of days you have been giving Daddy and me belly laughs! It's so cute to hear and see you enjoy the fools we make ourselves out to be in front of you! You LOVE your daddy! You give him such big smiles when he talks to you. You like to hear him sing to you. Your daddy loves you, too. He can't wait to get home from work everyday so he can see you. I don't think there's anything that he wouldn't do for you! He is wrapped all around that cute little finger of yours!! I love you, sweet girl!


2 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

You were a little fussy today! You love going for walks in your stroller! I strapped you in, gave you your binky and blanky and off we went.

I also noticed how long your hair is getting! It's already growing past your collar! I love you, sweet girl.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

1 July 2009

Dear Sweet Girl,

We went shopping for groceries today. Everyone always asks me if you are always "this good". The truth is, you really are! You are such a good baby! I hear stories of other mommies and about how they are having a hard time adjusting to having a baby, and I feel very blessed! You really only fuss when you need something, or when you have an occasional "fussy time". I won't say it's not hard; you definitely have your moments, but all in all, you really are such a good baby and are making this transition for Mommy and Daddy a relatively easy one! All that to say, I know you were getting hungry at the end of our grocery shopping, but you never fussed once! You just watched my face while we rolled through the aisles, sucking away on your binky! You are such a morning baby! It's when you're the happiest and give up the best smiles.

You are growing so fast! We will have to move you out of your bassinet and into your crib soon! Even though your crib is very close to me, I am having a hard time with it and dragging my feet. I love being able to just roll over and look at you in the bassinet next to me. I love to watch you sleep, to watch your tiny chest move up and down, to stroke your soft cheeks or to put my finger in your little hand so you can squeeze it so tight! I love you, sweet girl!
